Marta Forsberg

Kajsa Magnarsson & Marta Forsberg (ongoing)

Together with Kajsa Magnarsson we released "Kompisitioner" on Swedish label Lamour Records in 2022. With support from Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse will we during 2022-2023 further develop methods for long distance compositions, this time focusing on the art of handwritten letters.

Hope You're Well (2021)

Music for sounding postcards by Xiyu Tomorrow.

Girls Play In Pairs (2021)

Girls Play in Pairs (Flickor leker två och två) is a collaborative artistic research project which aims to explore the supportive pair relationship affidamento (entrustment) as feminist working model for making and presenting art. The project was initiated by long-term colleagues and friends Marta Forsberg and Anna Jakobsson, and participating artists were Anita Kaya, Sybrig Dokter, Alva Willemark and Anna Knutas Blomquist.

A Sensoral Lecture (2020)

Music for solo dance performance by Sindri Runudde.

Costume and Scenography with Bettina Mileta (2020)

Collaboration with fashion designer and costume maker Bettina Mileta, in Berlin 2020.

Collective Naps

In 2018 I met Alicja Bilewska, Lynette Smith, Veronika Burger, Anne Glassner and Katherine Behar during a residency at Nida Art Colony in Lithuania. Since then we keep meeting for collective naps online, naping together in three different time zones. We also keep participating in eachothers projects, like "How do we go on?" from 2020 by Lynette Smith.

Anne Glassner (ongoing)

I met Anne at Nida Art Colony, Lithuania, in 2018 where we were both on a one month long residency. Since then I've composed music for two of Anne's installations, the first one "Pure" from 2019 at "White Dwarf Projects" in Vienna, and the second one "Pillow Paradise" from 2022 at "Flora Pontemporay" in Vienna.

Filled with Happy Drones (2020)

Duo together with Stellan Veloce.

Sleep Laboratory (ongoing)

In the sleep laboratory five artists from different fields (visual arts, music and light, dance and body practices) deal with different aspects of sleep like the state between waking and sleeping, dreaming, caring, the bed and other spatial aspects of good sleep. They address and investigate possibilities and the potential of sleep as a communal and regenerative experience in times where the society we live in appears to be exhausted, and in need of space to dream. The receptive sleeping body as well as living in the paradox of dream images decelerates our collective loneliness and opens a sensual, intimate space. Together with Anita Kaya, Agnes Schneidewind, Anne Glassner and Johanna Nielson.